
Betsy Bates visits Pleasant Hill

Betsy Bates, Issachar Bates' daughter visited Pleasant Hill in 1862 at the height of the Civil War. Nine members of the Runyon family were still living as Shakers at this time and would have greeted and worshiped with Betsy. They were Charlotte, George, Matilda, and William - children of Joseph and Jane, plus two of the grandchildren, James and Jane Sutton; Sally Runyon, daughter of Martin and Patience; Amy Runyon, daughter of Emley and Lydia; and finally, Charity Badgett, daughter of Mercy Runyon and her husband John Badgett.

Fifty-seven years earlier in New York State, Betsy Bates had waved goodbye to her father as he set out on his mission with John Meacham and Benjamin Seth Youngs in search of converts on the western frontier, which sparked the creation of Pleasant Hill.