
On This Date in 1820 ...

"...about the middle of October, William Runyon, a young man about 21 years old (Son of Joseph Runyon) on Sabbath day evening...had a very strang felling come over him, he was as cold as a corpse, and seased with a violent jerking he was much alarmed, ...Jethro Gill...said it was the nervus fever, and that he had been acquainted with it...the best and only mean was, to give tartar, blister, and blead, & a warm bath as quick as possible and if any thing saves his life it would be that; but said; he had no hopes that his life would be saved...First they put his feet into warm water to bleed him, but it was with much difficulty, for he was so hard jerked that it threw the water on the floor and it was verry difficult to bleed him, but they made out; The next thing they prepared a warm bath, and had him in it very soon...they gave him a large dose of tartar, and put five blisters on him...& put him into bed it took three of the Brethren to hold him in bed. He was faithfully tended that night...when his blisters was cured he was as well as ever, & has remained so ever since, and is now able to dance two hours after a common meeting and says he feels stronger after he has done than when he begun." (Letter written by Samuel at Pleasant Hill)



On This Date in 1826 ...

Salome Badgett [age 28] deceased. 

Her hymn "A Pretty Lesson" appears in Paulina Bryant's hymn book