Today William Watson from Madison County joined this Society he is a small man with a remarkable large hump on his back; At this time there is a great many in this Society, doctoring for Cansors (namely) Sally Runyon, Comstock Betts, Mariah Saylor, Rachel Hutton, Ibby Gass, Patsy Wilhite, Tiney Verbrick, Nelly Flemins and Abram Fite these are all doctoring for cansors; Allmost evry little pimple or wart is construed into cansors by the doctors. (OP)
Embly Runyon was born Sept 22 1784 in Rowan County N Carolina set out about the first of August 1812, mov'd here from Madison County the next week Lydia set out the same day that he did she was born in Madison [Co., Ky] in the old fort at Boonsburoug [sic] their children was all born in the same County Lydia was they mov'd in the old fraim house when they came here the next summer they mov'd to the North Family, When the Center Family mov'd into the three story stone house Embly Runyon mov'd there two.(OP)